Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So I watched The Cape on NBC on Sunday. Let me just say for the record, and right here at the beginning, I actually liked it. Now, it is possible that I was slightly distracted by pretty, pretty David Lyons, but I genuinely thought it was fun.

Completely full of cliché? Uh, hell yes. But fun.

So fun.

I mean, sure, he manages to have the fastest training montage since Daniel-San, but that's fine. Totally reasonable that he learns to be a superhero in two days. And maybe it is extremely convenient that his secret underground lair is located close to outdoor shopping, has power, and comes complete with computer equipment and a baseball-throwing machine for knife practice, but that is totally fine!

Because of the fun.

And sure, Summer Glau totally comes out of nowhere, has flashy cars and a computer that would make a cylon jealous, but did you see how hot she is in all those slow pans? I mean, with the smoke and everything! She's hot! She wears boots!

So fun.

Perhaps the writers seem to think that I am some sort of head-trauma victim, as they felt it necessary to remind me, through flashback, that the villain was the same guy we'd met in the last scene, but that is just completely fine. I think it’s so fun to get beat over the head with flashbacks! I mean, LOST had flashbacks, so now every show with even the slightest hint of mythology has to do them too, right? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't get it the first twelve thousand times you told me. Really, he loves his family? He is sad that he cannot see his kid due to being wrongly accused of vicious crimes? Sooooooo fun.

Look at all the shiny colors!

I will totally watch it next week.

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