Friday, August 12, 2011

Backwards and in heels

You know what I think for today, Freaks? Let's throw a little love the ladies' way.

Top 16 Badass Chicks on TV

Jaime Sommers, The Bionic Woman

I'm too young for this show, but judging from the glazed looks my guy friends get when it comes up, I'd say the "six million dollar woman" earns high marks.

Was her superpower a stern mom face?

Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman

Um, the original badass chick. The badass chick that all the other chicks on this list wanted to be.

No one else will ever pull this off.

Christine Cagney and Mary Beth Lacey, Cagney and Lacey

The original badass lady cops, this duo dealt with sexism and bad guys with humor and panache.

And just the vaguest hint of lesbian subtext.

The Angels, Charlie's Angels

I know the original three were the most awesome, but Cheryl Ladd's little sister wasn't that bad, and still did plenty of ass kicking. They all did, while wearing polyester. That's some serious sass.

See, they can even look awesome wearing men's polyester.

Nikita, La Femme Nikita

This sexy assassin fought her way through the world at the behest of a shady secret organization. Also, this:

Just your average crime fighting outfit.

Zoe Washburne, Firefly

Soldier turned space pirate Zoe was Captain Mal's right hand man, and killer enough to take on the baddies and keep the crew in line. Plus, played by the awesome Gina Torres.

I am terrified of and attracted to you all at the same time, Gina.

Max Guevara, Dark Angel

This show was ahead of its time, and hottie Jessica Alba has never been better as the genetically enhanced super-soldier on the run. She rode a motorcycle, she kicked ass, and she looked good doing it.

Life is hard for Jessica Alba.

Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars

Sassy, smart, and sarcastic, this high school detective didn't take crap from anybody, and we loved her for it. Oh, we miss you, Veronica!

Just look at all the snark she has at the ready!

Kara Thrace (Starbuck), Battlestar Galactica

Smoking, drinking, cursing fighter pilot Starbuck didn't just keep up with the boys, she put them all to shame on this sci-fi gem. Plus, she made a terrible haircut look kinda hot.

Seriously, its almost the Dorothy Hamill.

The Halliwell Sisters, Charmed

The power of three was never sexier than these three ass-kicking witches.

The outfits, however, were never more questionable.

Ziva David, NCIS

This former soldier and Israeli Moussad agent is an ass kicking expert, trained in countless combat methods. Really, she's so lethal she's killed a man with a credit card.

Although I don't know where she put it...

Fiona Glenanne, Burn Notice

This former IRA agent loves big guns and big blocks of C4, and keeps her cool spy boyfriend on his toes. Plus, sexy accent!

It is REALLY hard to look badass while wearing pigtails.

Gemma Teller, Sons of Anarchy

Gemma Teller has had a lot of rough stuff to deal with, from rape to the IRA stealing her grandbaby, and she still comes ready to fight every day of her crazy biker gang existence. She's one badass mother.

And let me just reiterate, this woman is 57. Because life is unfair.

Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones

I almost went with Arya, who is one badass little kid, but I figure the Mother of Dragons ranks a little higher. The character's transformation through the season, from scared girl to badass queen was awesome to watch, and we can't wait to see what Dany will do next.

Um, I'm gonna go with 'keep being awesome'.

Sydney Bristow, Alias

You've read this blog, you know that I want Syd to be my kickass best friend (and to leave me her leftovers), but let me just reiterate a little bit: She kicks serious ass. Really.

And she gets to do it in a wig.

Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

It's Buffy. Do I need to say more?

No, I do not.

OK, Freaks! Did I miss any awesome lady ass-kickers? Let me have it in the comments!


  1. Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan and Detective Olivia Benson

  2. trivia note: original 'cagney' meg foster was deemed too aggressive by producers and was replaced by sharon gless who later had a child named michael weston who now dates fiona who no doubt would have been deemed too aggressive 30 years ago and been replaced by sasha alexander who was deemed too boring and replaced by cote de pablo, a chilean actress playing an israeli.

  3. and don't forget lena headey, the tv sarah connor.
