Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me! (And Some Imaginary People)

Today is my 30th Birthday!

It just makes me thirty times more awesome.

Who's with me?

TV Characters Turning 30 in 2012

Stephanie Tanner

Poor middle Tanner. Not the cute twins, not the crazy-eyed sister of the religious nutcase. What's a poor little girl to do?

Ah. Well, you seem to have that figured out.

Sookie Stackhouse

God, please let me not be as annoying and useless of a 30-year-old as Ms. Stackhouse.

Although to be fair, I have not shot any of my boyfriend's crazy exes. Yet!

Randy Taylor

The one middle child who managed to be the star of the show. Adorable JTT. Remember when he was just the biggest deal ever, ladies?

Wow. This seems really wrong now, doesn't it? 

Claudia Salinger

I didn't watch Party of Five but somehow this still makes me feel old.

Why does Jack Shepard have a baby? 

Dr. Lance Sweets

Hey, Lancelot. How about for our birthdays you fix that stupid show you're on?

Or do some more stupid shit. Your call. 

Lisa Simpson

This one is a little iffy, but I'm pretty sure if Lisa had aged correctly from when the show started she'd be turning 30 this year.

I was the smartest kid in the second grade too, but my hair was not nearly as interesting.

Mary Camden

I didn't watch this show either, but I imagine she was the one who turned out to be a stripper.


I'm pretty close to a couple of others: Buffy and Chuck beat me to it last year and the gang from Dawson's Creek  and Angela Chase's little sister Danielle will do it in 2013. Yeah, that one hurts.

So Happy Birthday to all of my imaginary friends....

But mostly to me!

Want to get me a present? "Like" me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter (@thetvfreak), or tell a friend where to get their TV Freak on. And stay tuned for all of the Fall TV previews, coming soon!

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Moment of Clarity

I forget sometimes why I started this blog.

It gets a little overwhelming, you know? There's a lot of television in the world, and I can't possibly watch it all, but I feel like I should. I want to be a well informed blogger. But that means, despite the fact it's just you guys reading, being TV Freak starts to feel like a job. There's always a list of shows I'm supposed to watch, and I'm never caught up, and by the time my DVR is running out of room, I've forgotten what it was I liked about TV in the first place.

And then I watch six episodes of The Newsroom in a row, and I remember.

This is TV that makes me feel something. TV that gives me goosebumps, that takes my breath away, often with the simplest or smallest of moments. The characters on this show are real people, something that doesn't happen a lot on television, and they have flaws and drives and wishes that I understand and like and hate all at the same time. There's a pace to this show, a timing that feels like real life and the best kind of poetry all at the same time, and it makes me think. It calls me on my shit and it makes me want to be a better person.

That is what TV is supposed to be, and it rarely lives up to it. When it does it's awesome.

It's just...


And it makes me happy.