Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall 2011 TV Preview: What to Watch

We've reached the end, Freaks, only three more days until premiere week!

Bye, friends and family!

See you when everything goes repeats in December.

All shows premiere the week of September 19-25 unless otherwise indicated.


A Gifted Man (8:00/7:00, CBS)

Taking over the feel good Friday spot from Touched by a Judging Ghost Whisperer, A Gifted Man stars the pleasant-to-look-at Patrick Wilson as a rich doctor who starts having visions of his dead wife who, naturally, wants to make him a better man. It will be heartwarming.

And possibly vomit inducing

Grimm (9:00/8:00, NBC, premieres 10/21)

Like Law and Order: Far Far Away, this show centers on a detective (David Giuntoli) who learns he's descended from a line of mythical hunters who can see past fairy tale character's disguises. In the real world. While they commit crimes. Sure, show. Part of the new "Friday night is genre night!" stance several of the networks are rolling out, Grimm will be the follow-up to Chuck when it returns in October for it's final half season. I don't imagine Grimm will last any longer.

Well, I mean I can watch it for a minute...

Boss (10:00/9:00, Starz, premieres 10/21)

Kelsey Grammer's attempt to break his typecasting looks good, like Sopranos and West Wing rolled into one. Grammer plays power-hungry Chicago mayor Tom Kane, a sleazy back-room deal kind of politician with a brain disease he's trying to hide. Connie Nielsen has a star turn as his Lady Macbeth of a wife, and the show is Exec produced by (among others) Gus Van Sant, so it looks to be a really well done show. If anyone will watch it on Starz.

That guy would kick Frasier Crane's ass.

So what should you watch?

Chuck (8/7, NBC), Fringe (9/8 FOX), Blue Bloods (10/9, CBS).

Or, I don't know, it's Friday.

Stop watching so much TV!

Please tune in to Black Sheep on GVB Radio September 20th at 12:00am EST/ 11:00 pm CST on . I'll be talking Fall TV as well as a recap of the Emmy's! Check out the awesome Back Sheep show here

Come back tomorrow for Emmy predictions, and if you haven't already, like me on Facebook (TV Freak) and follow me on Twitter (@theTVFreak)!


  1. TV FREAK IS DA BOMB!!!!! I now know what to do with my DVR next week!! You're a life saver!!!

  2. thank god for tv freak. i would be lost in the deluge without you.
