Friday, July 15, 2011

My Space-Time Continuuim Comes In Pink

As it turns out, I am a huge nerd.


It's OK, though, because I get to be the rare creature known as "Girl Nerd". That works out much better.

So, Lady Freaks, if you'd like to know if you are also a closet nerd, then this is the list for you:

Top Ten Sci-Fi Shows (for Girls)

X Files

The original will-they-won't-they cop partners, with a side of aliens and government conspiracy. Man, UST for years? That's the good stuff, right there. Plus, David Duchovney was adorable.

Doesn't this make you feel old?


Craaaazy island full of monsters and time travelling, how much we love you! Let's have romantic tangles while working out our daddy issues, and then throw in some destiny-type stuff with a sorta-god or whatever. Mostly, we're here for this:

I know, I couldn't believe I picked one with a shirt, either.

Quantum Leap

To be fair, I don't remember this show all that well. But it was Scott Bakula! In the early 90's! How awesome is that?

Look at him, he's a bad boy with a heart of gold. Or something. I don't really remember this show.


If you've ever read this blog before, you are aware of my deep and abiding love for this brilliant-in-the-first-two-seasons-and-still-worth-watching-after-that-but-not-as-much show. Here's why:


This show, after a really unsteady start, has become one of the more interesting, cool things on TV. Comparisons to the X Files are not unfounded, but like they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Plus:

Damn, Pacey.

Stargate SG-1 (or the other ones)

I have not actually watched these shows, but I have it on good authority from my fellow sci-fi nerd girls (Thanks BL!) that they're awesome, and full of good looking men. Which is clearly the conversation we're having, right?

Oh my god, yes it is.

Battlestar Galactica

Let's class it back up a little, shall we? The 2004 reimagining is gripping, thought-provoking, and darkly funny. It is some of the finest writing and acting in sci-fi TV history, and if you've never seen it you are missing a whole lot of awesome.

Wow, that class did not last long, did it?

Twilight Zone

No, really, this one is staying classy. Because it's The Twilight Zone! And it's brilliant, and twisty and cool. And scared the crap out of me as a kid.

                                       This is how all of my nightmares start. I told you I was a nerd.

Doctor Who

Aw, this show. I have only watched from the 2005 revival point on, which is technically the ninth, tenth, and eleventh Doctors (it's a whole thing), but this is a great show. It's exceedingly sweet, often brilliant, occasionally romantic, frequently funny, and just really, really fun.

Yeah, but he's all flustered and British so add three points.


Joss Whedon made a spaceship show starring Nathan Fillion. If you need to know anything else to know that you will love this, you are clearly on the wrong blog.

He's my pretend husband. Shut up, it's a thing.

OK, Lady Freaks and Dude Freaks alike, unleash all of your nerd fury in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. great post...i have a special place in my heart for the men of BG and you could have found a better, shirtless picture. your loss :-P
