Friday, July 1, 2011

That thing you're jumping? Shark.

Hello out there, TV Freaks! Wanna get snarky?

Of course you do.

Seven Awful Seasons of Really Great Shows

These are the seasons that we as fans try to pretend never happened. We don't rewatch them on DVD, despite our sincere intention to memorize every other moment of these shows we love, because, like that time you totally made out with that major uggo, it's easier to pretend it just didn't happen.

It didn't.

I don't know what you are talking about.

It's not just you. Buffy apparently got it on with kd Lang.

Season 1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

It is incredibly lucky for Joss and co that this show debuted fifteen years ago on a fledgling network, because it wouldn't have had a shot in hell on TV today. It's just so silly. It's a little on the nose too, with the demons-as-high-school-metaphor playing more like an after-school special than the interesting, complex, deep show Buffy would later become. Are you listening, networks?


Season 9- Friends

Oh, Friends. You were so close. So close. There was a Ross and Rachel moment at the end of season 8 that would have worked to the point it probably would have made you two the greatest TV love story of all time. Instead, we got a baby, Rachel and Joey, and Chandler moved to Oklahoma. Wait, what?

Where good TV characters go to die. Also, good TV. Two and a Half Men? Huge here.

Season 6, LOST

Once again, so close, show. At the end of season 5 (once I stopped crying, which took like a week) I was convinced that this was going to go down as the greatest show in the history of television. It did not do that. No matter what your beef with Season 6 is (and mine is different than most people's) I think everyone can agree that it was just...underwhelming.

Yep. That's what my brain just did too.

Season 6, Sex and the City

Miranda is at her most bitchy, Charlotte is at her most insane, Samantha manages to make us feel bad for a vapid pretty boy, and we have to deal with both Berger and Aleksandr, who was so devoid of emotion I'm pretty convinced he is a clinical sociopath. Plus, it's the season that spawned "He's just not that into you", which, as we all know, somehow became a rallying cry for sad women and the men they let treat them like shit.

Plus this, which I'm still mad I wasted two hours of my life on.
All of these people are horrible human beings.

Season 6, The West Wing

As much as I love Alison Janney (and believe me, it is an unhealthy amount) this show's worst decision was to make C.J. Chief of Staff, one of the major plot points of this season. It was incredibly unrealistic and forced, and I maintain it was this show's shark-jumping moment. This season felt scattered and convoluted and just not up to snuff. So sad.

OK, not all sad.

Season 4, Alias

There was a giant red ball over Russia. There was the sister-killing disease thing. There was lots and lots of dirty looks at the APO office. Then there was the crushing finale where Vaughan was a big fat liar. Hateful.

See those lying eyes? That hateful....I'm sorry, what was I saying?

Season 7, Will and Grace

This season saw Megan Mullaly and Sean Hayes both going way off the caricature deep end with Jack and Karen, making the formerly hilarious duo almost insufferable. Jack got his talk show, which made the show even more guest-star happy than it was previously (which is saying something), and God, Ed Burns is annoying. Not nearly as annoying as Jeff Goldblum, though.

I hate you and your smug, smug face.

Now, quick, I know it's bugging you....What did I miss?


  1. Season 1-2 of Star Trek-the Next Generation. Phew!

    i'd also add Seasons 4-5 of Supernatural...good god what happened to the fun show about hunting monsters that i used to love? How many times have they both died again...and the crying and whining just got to be too much

  2. ok, i know what you mean about CJ being chief of staff, but honestly, there was no one else on the show to do it. they would have had to introduce a completely new character which may or may not have ruined the chemistry of the ensemble.

  3. I totally agree with Season 4 of Alias, although I HATE SEASON 3, but that's more because I was still reeling from season finale of Season 2. Also, Grey's Anatomy...whatever season that was where Meredith died and came back to life? OMG WTF.
    Oh, and I'm sorry: I'd also like to add Felicity Season 4..end of the series...I mean, really J.J.? REALLY????

  4. P.S. The amount of Vaughn pics you put on here is the epitome of awesomeness...
